Clergy Not In Line With The Revolution Are Enemy’s Servants
As reported by the public relations of Xorasan Seminary, at the General Meeting of the dispatched teachers of Xorasan Seminary in the Soleimanie Seminary, Ayatollah Seyed Ahmad Alamolhoda said that Allah did not teach Adam all of the infinite knowledge, but angels had some knowledge that back then Adam lacked the collection of them. Therefore, knowledge did not cause human dignity. According to Allameh Tabataba’i’s expression, what Adam had but the angels lacked was the power to transfer his knowledge to another which is an exclusive power only in humans.
The representative of the Velayat-e faqih in Xorasan Razavi stated that the transfer of knowledge has a role in humanization and that the only one who can be educated and create the moral and intellectual power is a human. He said that, in fact, man gets the power of building by prophets, and this is a clear sign of man being the caliph of Allah. When Adam found the power of transference of knowledge, Allah Almighty boasted of the human privilege that makes him the one who has constructive power. With this feature, Adam became the caliph of Allah and in fact, among all the strata, guilds and groups on the planet, only human beings have the privilege of being Allah’s caliphs.
Ayatollah Seyed Ahmad Alamolhoda, speaking to the professors of the seminary, argued that training is important as it results in growing seminary students. He said that, today, the professors are required to apply their educational skills in the field of education. Your skill is determined neither by how much you have taught or how you transferred knowledge, nor by how beautiful you expressed, but it is determined based on the constructing (training) level.
The member of the Supreme Council of Xorasan Seminary said that the revolutionary professors were constructive from the past because they influenced and cultivated the intellectual line of the students. He added that the day Imam Khomeini (PBUH) started the revolution, those who joined him in the battlefield form the beginning were his own students.
Ayatollah Seyed Ahmad Alamolhoda, with the recommendation that a professor should see how constructive he is in every part he enters, said that the power of constructing is the type of transfer of knowledge that God has placed as the criterion of being his caliph, and in assessing your power, pay attention to your power of construction.
Saying that if the professors did not influence on the spirit of the seminary students, the revolution would not triumph and would not continue, Ayatollah Seyed Ahmad Alamolhoda added that the influence of the teachers’ spirituality on the students who played a constructive role was very prominent, we need this line of construction in today’s course of revolution.
The representative of the velayat-e faqih in Xorasan Razavi, saying that today it is not the matter of going to war and martyrdom, but they want to hire some of us in order to overthrow the religion because they know well that the only ones who can hit religion are internal forces, remarked that if the clerics are not to be mujahid and selfless in line with the Revolution, then the result will be clerics hired by the enemy to overthrow the religion.
Emphasizing that the criterion of the religious personality of the professors is their construction, he said that may you, the professors of Xorasan Seminary, train forces for Islam and the revolution, and turn the line of the religion a powerful arena for overthrowing the power of arrogance with your perfect effectiveness, and it will be the fruit of your construction in the field of your mission.
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