Having No Relations With The Zionists Is The Direct Order Of Quran
As reported by the public relations of Xorasan Seminary, in Hojjatie Seminary in Qom and during the Interpretation class held every day, Ayatollah Sobhani said that Allah has said in Al Baraat Surah that real muslims have no accompanies but Allah, the prophet and his friends.
Pointing to the question of having relations with infidel countries, he said that it has been answered in other verses of Quran especially in Al Mumtahanah Surah. It is said there that there are two types of infidels, among which you can have commercial, political, and cultural relations with those who have not fought you and have not dispossessed you of your houses.
He said that the other type is clear now, and if we want to name an obvious referent for it, we can point to Zionism. He said that they have fought Muslims and have dispossessed them of their houses, so we should definitely blame them and do not recognize them by any means.
This Marja mentioned that unfortunately Islamic countries have either overt or covert relations with Zionists. He said that while giving a speech in Jordan, one asked me about having relations with Israel and I referred him to this verse of Quran.
He pointed that Imam Ali (as) said that the prophet (pbuh) was a kind of doctor who looked for patients and declared that sometimes he healed the pain and other times he hot-slashed the wound, so it would be cured.
Ayatollah Sobhani reminded that Allah has declared in the 17th verse of Al Baraat Surah that polytheists have no right to repair the mosques; mosques are meant for worshipping Allah, and polytheists believe in more than one God and even if they build many mosques in this world, it will have any benefit for them.
He posed another question related to the inventions and the services provided by infidel inventors and that what conditions they will have in the other world. He said that if their intention was to do something for the sake of people, position, popularity, and wealth, they will get their rewards by people, and if their intention was to do it for the sake of Allah, he will reward them.
Ayatollah Sobhani said that after Allah forbid it for the infidels to build mosques, he gave the right to the believers who do it for the sake of Allah and follow his orders such as saying prayers and giving Zakat. He said that in the 18th verse, there is a word about fear, which is different from the normal fear and is religious one.
He said that later in that verse it is said that if they were so, they may be redeemed, and that “maybe” is not in Allah’s point of view, but in people’s.
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