Being Familiar With Politics Is Essential For Seminary Students
As reported by the public relations of Xorasan Seminary, in the ceremony of wearing the turban by 150 students of Xorasan Seminary, Ayatollah Seyed Mesbah Ameli mentioned the hadith “مَن تَعَلَّمَ للّه وعَمِلَ للّه وعَلَّمَ للّه دُعِيَ في مَلَكوتِ السَّماواتِ عَظيما، فقيلَ: تَعَلَّمَ للّه وعَمِلَ للّه وعَلَّمَ اللّه”* . He then said that according to this hadith, the first step is understanding and having knowledge and if one wants to have a prophet-like role in the society, he must be like this.
The manager of Xorasan Seminary continued the elaboration of the hadith by saying that knowledge must be accompanied by act, and one should move towards God step by step so that what he has learnt can be transferred to the society.
Ayatollah Seyed Mesbah Ameli emphasized that what is seen in these three levels is that Allah is the focus and everything must be done for him.
He named the insight, praying, and perfection as three steps for the people towards God. He pointed to the what the supreme leader has said about the self-refinement and trying to improve the society and said that the supreme leader points to three elements in the first part of his speech the first one of which is knowledge.
The manager of Xorasan Seminary said that in the current complicated situation and according to the evolution in the world, one cannot move in the correct way unless he has the knowledge. He added that one who does not have the knowledge will not reach the destination and it makes no difference how fast he moves.
He called “insight” very important and said that since the seminary student plays a prophet-like role one of the bases of which is being familiar with the politics, this must be known as a special movement so that the seminary can properly answer the needs of the society, the religious system, and the world.
Ayatollah Seyed Mesbah Ameli claimed that the goal of being a seminary student is understanding the real and refined Islam. He added that these days some people are looking for the American Islam and work for it. Therefore, one should know the strayed political movements based on the right insight, and good actions have been planned for knowing the sects in Xorasan Seminary.
* Anyone who learns for Allah, acts for Allah, and teaches for Allah is considered great in the kingdom of the heavens. Therefore, it is said that he learned for Allah, acted for Allah, and taught for Allah.
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