Seminary Students
Ulama’s Immigration To Cities Not To Be Neglected
Meeting with representatives of the West Azerbaijan scholars and students, Ayatollah Alavi Gorgani pointed to the issue of piety and said that piety is one of the issues that Quran emphasizes on and orders the believers to have it. He stated that being a seminary student needs characteristics including having piety. He added that in a narration Amir al-Mu’minin (as) said “Piety has bases among which are the following: fear of God, practice of Quran, contentment, belief in the Day of Judgment, and preparedness for death”. He went on toRead More
Being Familiar With Politics Is Essential For Seminary Students
As reported by the public relations of Xorasan Seminary, in the ceremony of wearing the turban by 150 students of Xorasan Seminary, Ayatollah Seyed Mesbah Ameli mentioned the hadith “مَن تَعَلَّمَ للّه وعَمِلَ للّه وعَلَّمَ للّه دُعِيَ في مَلَكوتِ السَّماواتِ عَظيما، فقيلَ: تَعَلَّمَ للّه وعَمِلَ للّه وعَلَّمَ اللّه”* . He then said that according to this hadith, the first step is understanding and having knowledge and if one wants to have a prophet-like role in the society, he must be like this. The manager of Xorasan Seminary continued the elaborationRead More
Writing Papers And Books Is Important For The Seminary Students
Writing is one of the important pillars for students, and they should begin writing papers and books even if, many times, it may not come to a good conclusion. Hojjatul Islam wal Muslimeen Mr. Rabbani Birjandi, referring to the verse “لیس للإنسان إلا ما سعی” meaning “and that everyone shall have in his account only that which he worked for”, stated: “the way to success for a man is through trying, and the religion, belief, or personality has no role here.” He added: ” Writing is one of the importantRead More