Research Deputy
“The Heritage of Karbala” Conference Calls
As reported by the public relations of Xorasan Seminary, the call for a conference entitled “The Heritage of Karbala and its Place in Islam” was declared by the office of the holy shrine of Hazrat Abbas (as) and The Heritage of Karbala center. According to the research capacity of Xorasan Seminary, the organizers called for the presence and participation of researchers among students during a meeting with the research deputy of the seminary. Articles should be in either Arabic or English and sent to .
Pictorial Report / The Series Of Religion And Health Research Conferences
The series of religion and health research conferences were held by Al-Hadi (as) scientific research institution with the cooperation of research deputy of Xorasan Seminary.
Pictorial Report / The Specialized Meeting Of The Think Tank Of Islam, Religions, And Intercultural Relations
The specialized meeting of the think tank of Islam, religions, and intercultural relations was held with the help of the research deputy of Xorasan Seminary.
The Eighteenth Conference Of Kalame Seva Was Held under the title of “Religious Considerations In The International Propagation Of Islam”
As reported by the public relations of Xorasan Seminary, the eighteenth conference of Kalame Seva was held in English by the think tank of Islam, Religions, and Intercultural Relations and under the title of “Religious Considerations In The International Propagation Of Islam”. In this conference, Hojjatul Islam wal Muslimeen Mr. Ansari pointed primarily to the necessity of learning English and called the current way of learning English in the institutes insufficient for the international propagation. The active international missioner pointed out that the English language we need for the propagationRead More
Pictorial Report / A Specialized Scientific Meeting
A specialized scientific meeting on the role of the media in the recent damages (with a focus on women and family) was conducted at Fatimah az-Zahra (sa) Seminary in Tus by the Sisters’ research department of the research deputy of Xorasan Seminary. Photos by: Reza Arqaa
Pictorial Report / A Specialized Scientific Meeting On The Principles Governing The Family
A specialized scientific meeting on “The Principles Governing The Family” was held by the Sisters’ research department of the research deputy of Xorasan Seminary. Photos by: Alireza Ebrahimpur
Pictorial Report / Meeting Of Ayatollah Fazel With Professors And Students Of Mashhad Specialized Center For Islamic Denominations Comparative Studies
Ayatollah Sheix Javad Fazel Lankarani, a member of the community of the teachers of Qom Seminary, and Hojjatul-Islams Esfandiari and Mahdavi Arfa’, the deputies of research and education of Xorasan Seminary, met with the professors and students of Mashhad Specialized Center for Islamic Denominations Comparative Studies. Photos by: Alireza Ebrahimpur