Emphasis On Ethics In The Path Of Religious Education
As reported by the public relations of Xorasan Seminary, Hojjatul Islam wal Muslimeen Mohammad Esfandiari reminded students of Fazelie Seminary of the hadith which goes “تفقهوا فی دین الله فان الفقه مفتاح البصیره و تمام العباده و السبب الی المنازل الرفیعه و الرتب الجلیله فی الدین و الدنیا وفضل الفقیه علی العابد کفضل الشمس علی الکواکب و من لم یتفقه،فی دینه لم یرض الله له عملا”. He then said that great ones have defined ethics as a source based on which thoughtless actions are taken by humans and this is not to be temporary.
Explaining the meaning of the part “تفقهوا فی دین الله”, he said that the Feqh here does not mean the so-called Feqh because Feqh contains beliefs, religious rules, and ethics. Therefore, one should not ignore beliefs.
The administrator of the Management Department of Xorasan Seminary added that this is the reason why the great ones before us paid attention to the Big Feqh (beliefs) before the Small Feqh (religious rules) since if one has problem with his beliefs and theology, he will have problems in the Small Feqh and his religious rules.
Mentioning that correcting our view of the world will correct our deeds and the whole world, he said that today the main problem of the West World is having focused on humans, while we believe God and the religion are the main ones, humans must be at service of God, and the religion must not be at humans’ service.
Hojjatul Islam wal Muslimeen Mr. Esfandiari defined Feqh as a means of getting status. He pointed to the hadith of “وَ أَمَّا الْحَوَادِثُ الْوَاقِعَةُ فَارْجِعُوا فِیهَا إِلَی رُوَاةِ حَدِیثِنَا” and said that the happening here are not only the religious rules, but contain other sciences as well.
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