Xorasan Seminary


Ayatollah Rezazade visited Oral Exams of Xorasan Seminary

Ayatollah Rezazade visited Oral Exams of Xorasan Seminary

A member of High-Grade Shora of Xorasan Seminary visited the oral exams of Xorasan Seminary and got informed of how they are held. As reported by public relations of Xorasan Seminary, Ayatollah Rajabali Rezazade, a member of High-Grade Shora of Xorasan Seminary visited the oral exams of Xarej grade in Navab great seminary this morning and did a close up of how they are held and what the levels of students are. The professor of Feqh and Osul’s Xarej attended three groups among the eleven groups holding the exams andRead More

Oral Exams of Seminary

Oral Exams of Seminary

a critical opportunity for students’ educational capacity analysis Clergymen and students are busy with exams as well as enjoying learning. Maybe the “oral exams” are not so familiar to those out of Seminary, but students of Seminary are totally accustomed to and a little afraid of it.