

From Pulpits, Preachers Must Explain The Holy Aims Of Imam Hosein’s (As) Insurgence

From Pulpits Preachers Must Explain The Holy Aims Of Imam Hosein's (As) Insurgence

When asked about the important issues which must be discussed by the preachers in Moharram, the professor of Xarej of Feqh and Osul said: of course, the best expression is the explanation of holy goals of Imam Hosein in Ashura movement. As reported by the public relations of Xorasan Seminary, getting close to Ashura, Ayatollah Mostafa Ashrafi Shahrudi, one of the professors of Xarej of Feqh and Osul in Xorasan Seminary notified different points regarding the necessity of saving the dignity of the sessions of mourning for Imam Hosein (as)Read More