Hojjatul Islam Wal Muslimeen Mr. Seyed Abadi


The Great Meeting Of The Enlightenment Of The Neishabur Seminary Students Will Be Held On Wednesday

The Great Meeting Of The Enlightenment Of The Neishabur Seminary Students Will Be Held On Wednesday

The great meeting of the political enlightenment of the Neishabur clergymen and scholars will be held on Wednesday in Neishabur. The great meeting of the political enlightenment of the Neishabur clergymen and scholars will be held in Neishabur with speeches by Hojjatul Islam wal Muslimeen Dr. Navayi, the cultural and social deputy of Xorasan seminary. Hojjatul Islam wal Muslimeen Mr. Seyed Abadi will also speak at the conference which will be held with the assistance of the cultural and social deputy of Xorasan seminary in cooperation with the Basij ofRead More