Ayatollah Ashrafi Shahrudi
Think Tanks Of Xorasan Seminary Have Been Launched
The research deputy of Xorasan Seminary has announced the creation of think tanks in Xorasan Seminary and the series of meetings held by them. As reported by the public relations of Xorasan Seminary, in the meeting of Ayatollah Ameli with Ayatollah Ashrafi Shahrudi in a visit from the Office and Center of Islamic Research, Hojjatul Islam wal Muslimeen Mohammad Esfandiari reported on the developmental and research activities of Xorasan Seminary and said: One of the things that has been recently launched and some of these activities are taking place isRead More
Pictorial Report / Visit Of The Director Of Xorasan Seminary With Ayatollah Ashrafi Shahrudi
Visit of Ayatollah Seyed Mesbah Ameli, the Director of Xorasan Seminary, with Ayatollah Ashrafi Shahrudi.
Leader’s Criteria For A Responsible Seminary Are Adopted In Xorasan Seminary
The director of Xorasan Seminary emphasized that the indicators of being up-to-date and planning the subjects meant by the Supreme Leader the output of which is meeting the needs of the day are adopted. As reported by the public relations of Xorasan Seminary, Ayatollah Ameli met with Ayatollah Ashrafi Shahrudi during a visit from the Office and the Center of Islamic Research, referring to the interpretation of the Supreme Leader who considers ijtihad and growing up mujtahids as the basis of working in seminaries. Referring to the efforts related toRead More