Hajj Is A Manifestation Of Combining Religion And Politics
What I want to say today is that as well as all the characteristics that exist in Hajj- this great obligation- Hajj also enjoys the characteristic of combining spirituality and politics, spirituality and material attributes, this world [Dunya] and the hereafter. It is the manifestation of such things. And there are men who say: “Our Lord, give us good in this world and good in the hereafter, and defend us from the torment of the fire” [The Holy Quran, 2: 201].
Those who say this prayer in Hajj and who ask Allah the Exalted for worldly and otherworldly rewards are cherished by the Quran. This means that this world and the hereafter have been combined in Hajj. Hajj is the manifestation of such a thing. Some people have worked hard in the course of many years- in the present time too, they are working hard- to separate Islamic spirituality from life and from the management of society. This means the separation of religion from politics.
The enemies of Islam and those ignorant individuals who know nothing about Islam have been working for many years- perhaps, it can be said, for tens and hundreds of years or even more- on this matter. When the Islamic Republic came into being and when the Islamic revolution achieved victory, all these ideas proved to be wrong. It became clear that Islam could perfectly handle the arenas of politics, life, the management of the country and the people’s involvement in the arena with all their capabilities and capacities.
Islam was more successful than the communists, the liberals and the westerners’ mottos in handling all these arenas. So, the effort that they would make for a long time was counteracted, but they have begun to make the same effort again. Some people have begun to dissuade the new generations from combining religion and politics, religion and life, religion and science, this world and hereafter, and spirituality and material achievements. They want to dissuade minds from this combination. Hajj is a practical arena for showing this combination.
How is this done? During the Hajj ritual, you supplicate, you say prayers, you rely on God, you shed tears, you perform Tawaf, you make religious endeavors, you say daily prayers, and you have public gatherings. This is very important. Well, they should think. In inviting people to perform Hajj, if Allah the Exalted only wanted the people to gather there and spend a few days doing spiritual things, there would not be any need to set a specific date. Anyone could go at any time that they wished. So, this is not the case.
There is a specific date for Hajj. At this specific date, everyone throughout the world of Islam should attend the ceremony. And this is not about one, two years, rather this has been the case throughout history. On certain days, everyone in the world of Islam who has the capability to do so should gather in a specific place. What does this mean? This means that the very essence of this gathering is what Allah the Exalted wants. This is what He wants. This means the formation of the Islamic Ummah. This is the same outlook towards the gathering of Muslims. Hajj is the embodiment of this.
Source: english.khamenei.ir
[fvplayer src=”http://content.cms.hozehkh.com/cntnt/uploads/sites/4/2018/08/Hajj-is-a-manifestation-of-combining-religion-and-politics-Khamenei.ir_.mp4″ width=”1280″ height=”720″ align=”left”]
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