Sunday, April 29th, 2018
Emphasis On Ethics In The Path Of Religious Education
As reported by the public relations of Xorasan Seminary, Hojjatul Islam wal Muslimeen Mohammad Esfandiari reminded students of Fazelie Seminary of the hadith which goes “تفقهوا فی دین الله فان الفقه مفتاح البصیره و تمام العباده و السبب الی المنازل الرفیعه و الرتب الجلیله فی الدین و الدنیا وفضل الفقیه علی العابد کفضل الشمس علی الکواکب و من لم یتفقه،فی دینه لم یرض الله له عملا”. He then said that great ones have defined ethics as a source based on which thoughtless actions are taken by humans and this isRead More